070 Wonen aims to carefully manage and provide accurate information on the website. However, it is possible that the website may contain incorrect or incomplete information. All information on the website is non-binding, and no rights can be derived from it. 070 Wonen and all parties involved are not liable for any technical or editorial errors or omissions on the website, nor for any consequential damages resulting from it, such as when the website is unavailable or when links to other third-party websites are present.

All rights related to the 070 Wonen website are owned by 070 Wonen, and it is not permitted to use texts and images from the website without express permission from 070 Wonen.

Links to other websites not managed by 070 Wonen are intended for information purposes only for website visitors. 070 Wonen is not liable for the content of these websites or for any damages resulting from them.